Resilience: Stories of Women Inspiring Change
The Embassy of the Netherlands in collaboration with the World Press Photo Foundation presents the special exhibition Resilience: Stories of Women Inspiring Change, dedicated to the issues concerning the position of women in the modern world. Exploring the educational, social and professional inequalities and constraints faced by women in many regions of the world in the 21st century, the photographs of the exhibition are a visual testimony and a record of either the challenges women encounter or their struggle for fairer treatment, equality and more opportunities.
The exhibition consists of the work of 17 photographers from 13 different countries who have been awarded in the World Press Photo international contest from 2000 to 2021 and exhibited in its subsequent exhibitions. Those are: Forough Alaei (Iran), Jonathan Bachman (USA), Daniel Berehulak (Australia), Anna Boyiazis (USA), Fulvio Bugani (Italy), Maika Elan (Vietnam), Jan Grarup (Denmark), Terrell Groggins (USA). ), Robin Hammond (New Zealand), Olivia Harris (United Kingdom), Heba Khamis (Egypt), Diana Markosian (USA), Catalina Martin-Chico (France/Spain), Finbarr O’ Reilly (Canada), Pablo Tosco (Argentina), Magnus Wennman (Sweden) and Irina Werning (Argentina). At the same time, the exhibition demonstrates the power of the image to record contemporary social issues, its contribution to informing, awakening and activating individuals and societies, as well as the special relationship that is built between the photographer and the subject so that the result is an important “statement” for both.
The exhibition will be open for the public from 29 October to 18 November, on the ground floor of the National Library of Greece at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center.
Organised and Produced by: The Embassy of the Netherlands and the World Press Photo Foundation
Implementation: GRAFIMA media creative print
Production coordination: Christina Kalligianni & Thanassis Stavrakis / pixel19-APW

Athens Photo World will always be dedicated to the memory and 30 year work of Yannis Behrakis